My Half Marathon Training

Hi guys!  I wouldn't have ever run my half marathon had it not been for a 6.6 mile run with Adria in August.  I had done it, even though it was more than twice my recond distance.  That made me realize that there was an entire new aspect of fitness I could look into:  endurance running.  As in, running for more than 20-30 minutes.  But going from 20 to 160 didn't just happen overnight, because we trained, a lot, as you will see in my exercise calendars.  Note:  I didn't really ever plan my rest days- I just took them as I felt I needed them, or if I noticed that I hadn't had one in a while.  Rest days do the body good in my opinion.

1:  Rest
2:  Zwow 28
3:  2 mile run
4:  Bodyrock:  Smoking Hot Body
5:  Bodyrock:  Hot to Trot
6:  1.67 mile run
7:  2 mile run
8:  2.36 mile run
9:  30 minutes Interval Running
10:  6.6 mile run
11:  Rest
12:  6 mile run
13:  4 miles biking
14:  Zwow 10
15:  2.5 mile run + 2.5 mile walk
16:  Zwow 1
17: 5.85 mile run
18:  Rest
19:  3 mile run + Zwow 9
20:  5.6 mile run @ 3:1
21:  Rest
22:  3 mile run
23:  7 mile run @ 3:1
24:  Rest
25:  Rest
26:  Zwow 31
27:  Rest
28:  Zwow 11
29:  5.5 mile run @ 3:1
30:  5 mile run
31:  Zwow 32
I took a lot of rest days that last week of August because it was my first weeks of school and I was still getting used to Atlanta and Paideia.  I worked out when I could!  Also:  I tried many different ways to get this into a calendar format, but it just didn't happen.  So I do it this way!  It takes a while but it's worth it!
1:  Zwow 19
2:  7.43 mile run @ 3:1
3:  Rest
4:  5 mile run @ 3:1
5:  Bodyrock: Halo of Sweat
6:  8 mile run @ 3:1
7:  Rest
8:  1 mile run + Zwow 33
9:  Rest
10:  5 mile run @ 3:1
11:  5 mile run @ 3:1
12:  Bodyrock: 300 Rep Workout
13:  Bodyrock: Six Pack Abs
14:  Rest
15:  9.4 mile run @ 3:1
16:  Bodyrock: Hotel Room Workout + Slim and Sexy Workout
17:  Bodyrock:  Marine Corps Workout + 4.36 mile run
18:  5.5 mile run @ 3:1
19: Rest
20:  Rest
21:  6 mile run @ 3:1
22:  Zwow 35
23:  2 mile run
24:  Rest
25:  Bodyrock: Rock Your Body Juice
26:  My own Circuit Routine
27:  8.5 mile run @ 3:1
28:  Bodyrock: Abs Assassin Workout
29:  Bodyrock: Wow Booty Workout
30:  5.5 mile run @ 3:1
1:  Bodyrock: Medal of Honor Abs Workout
2:  4.4 mile run @ 3:1
3:  Bodyrock: Turbo Fat Blaster Workout
4:  Zwow 37
5:  Rest
6:  5k with Sellers!
7:  Bodyrock: OMG Sexy Body Workout (eyeroll)
8:  5 mile run @ 3:1
9:  Zwow 33 + 12
10:  Rest
11:  Bodyrock: Fat Fighter Workout
12:  Rest
13:  Bodyrock: 400 Rep Workout
14:  10 mile run @ 4:1
15:  Bodyrock: Good Feeling Workout
16:  Rest
17:  Bodyrock: 600 Rep Workout
18:  My Own Interval Workout (28 minutes)
19:  Zwow 24
20:  8 mile run @ 4:1
21:  Bodyrock: Jacked Up Chick Workout
22:  5 mile run @ 4:1
23:  Bodyrock: Burpees Are Forever And Ever Workout
24:  Zwow 40
25:  Rest
26:  4.4 mile run @ 5:1
27:  Bodyrock:  Hot to Trot Workout
28:  10 mile run @ 5:1
29:  Rest
30:  2.5 mile run + my own short routine
31:  Rest- Halloween!
1:  5.5 mile run @ 5:1
2:  3 mile run + Zwow 41
3:  Rest
4:  7 mile run @ 5:1
5:  Bodyrock: Bubble Butt Workout
6:  Rest
7:  2.5 mile run + my own 10 minute routine
8:  Zwow 42 + Pilates
9:  Bodyrock: Game Face Workout
10:  A Pyramid Workout + Pilates (100 Rep Workout)
11:  9 mile run @ 5:1
12:  Bodyrock: Hot, Fit, and Tight Workout + Pilates
13:  Rest
14:  Weight Lifting Class @ YMCA
15:  Zwow 43
16:  Rest
17:  2.66 mile run
18:  Rest
19:  Bodyrock: Hot Body Workout
20:  Pilates
21:  Bodyrock: Dirty Bit Workout
22:  Half Marathon!
You might notice that I took more rest days during the end of November than I usually do.  This was my "taper week", which means to take it easy so your muscles will be prepared to run. 
One thing that I noticed while typing this up:  I exercise A LOT!  Right now I'm taking my 3rd rest day in a row because my hip has been hurting, but shoot dang, I can't feel bad about that because it seems that I rarely take rest days unless I put some effort towards them!
I'm impatient for my hip to heel, just like I was with my ankle back in May or so.  I'm very excited to get back to working out!  Maybe just a little one won't hurt... 
If you have any questions about any of my workouts or training just comment!  Also, I would love to hear any suggestions for workouts!
Have you ever trained for something?
Have a nice Monday!


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