Almondays Are Better With These Cookies (aka Date Almond Cookies)

Hi guys!  I hope you all are having a great holiday- I sure am glad to be done with finals!  My break has been really relaxing- reading, writing, and watching Breaking Bad has done the trick ;)  I've also done a little bit of cooking- or, at least, food preparation.  Cooking requires an amount of effort that doesn't seem to be in the vacation spirit...  So today I have a recipe for you inspired by some cookies I tried at my friend Grace's house.  She says she makes them every week and I understand why- they're delicious and taste like any holiday treat out there while remaining healthy and simple.  They have very few ingredients- five- and take less than half an hour to make.  These cookies gave me the little boost I needed to get through finals.

Before I start this recipe, let me tell you guys about Grace.  She's amazing.  The more time I spend with her, the more I like her- she's such a smart, kind, charismatic person.  And she's super easy to talk to; the first time we started chatting, we talked for almost two hours.  Grace has a warm, cheerful vibe and seeing her at any time or talking to her about any subject is always a pleasure.  She sees exercise and healthy eating as happy aspects of her life and I'm so very glad she shared this recipe with me.  She deserves all the credit for these delicious cookies (*applause from thousands of awestruck vegans*)

Date Almond Cookies:
Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free
Adapted from:  Grace's Mention of Ingredients

  • 3 cups of raw almonds
  • 25 dates, pitted
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp almond flavor
  • pinch of salt
Directions:  Add almonds, dates, vanilla, almond, and salt to a food processor and blend until it forms a thick batter.  This should take about 10-15 minutes while you scrape down the sides regularly.  You can, of course, adjust the flavorings and salt to taste.  If you want to go crazy, throw some cinnamon or a different type of flavor in there.  When you're done processing, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and form small cookies, squares, or bars.  Cover with another piece of parchment paper and freeze until it's time for eating.  I like to let mine thaw a little before munching.  Makes:  25 cookies.

I love these cookies so much- and Adria (resident non vegan taste tester) agrees that they taste great.  These will definitely become a regular in my snack rotation :)

In other news, it's great to see my brother home from college!  

It's just too bad he's no fun.

And the baby just keeps growing up... She's 9 months old now!


She's even started to pull herself up and stand!

We've had to invest in a second doggy gate.  But it's worth it so that this gem can get her exercise:

And coming up next month, it'll be SHORT TERM A!!!!  Short Term is my favorite time of the year- a month of relaxed classes that I get to choose with some of the best teachers at my school.  My schedule with be:

1.  Intro to Ethical Dialogue taught by Paul B and Laura M
- All sophomores are required to take this class, but I'm really excited because I have this class with a lot of my friends and I really like Laura and Paul, who is the headmaster of Paideia.
2.  Spanish 2 with Joy
- This is a continuation of one of my long term classes.
3.  Voices of the Unheard with Thrower
- I'm so excited about this class.  I loved having a poetry class with Thrower Starr last year, and this one is centered around feminism and co-taught by a wonderful student.
4.  American History and Government with Carl
- Another continuation of one of my long term classes, but again I have friends in the class so it'll be pretty fun.
5/6.  The Celluloid Classroom with John Capute and Rick Goldstein
- I cannot believe I got into this class.  It's a dream come true for me- two of my favorite faculty members at Paideia teaching a class about high school on film.  Here's the class description:

Here’s something you all know everything about—school. Classrooms, teachers, athletics, musicals, cliques, the pressure to go to college. But honestly: who would really want to see your day in school on the big screen or even on the little screen? And yet movies keep coming out about school every year, not to mention on TV. What is the fascination about school to filmmakers? What is so interesting about the life you lead 8 hours a day for ten months? And is this life you lead here as a student really even the world that these dramas and comedies show? We’ll look at films from as far back as the 30s and 40s, up to today. Movies, television, dramas, comedies, we’ll consider them all in trying to figure out what makes school so fascinating to these filmmakers. And along the way, the experts that we are, students and teachers alike (and maybe even administrators), will figure out what they can tell us about our experience here and what we can learn from critiquing their creations. 
I don't think I could have created a better class for me.

Things are good, things are very good.

What does your January look like?

Have a wonderful holiday!


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