Stress/ Spicy Peanut Soup

Hi guys.  Today I wanted to talk about stress.  It's mostly because I don't have any recipes to share with you, but it's also a very important topic that I struggle with.

Because I am a teenager, many of you probably think that I have never been stressed and even if I have, then I've never been as stressed as you have been.  That's probably true, partly; I have never been as stressed as someone planning a wedding, going through a divorce, etc.  But I have been very stressed out in my life.  Even when I was a little kid (about 6), I would get very stressed out about little things.

When I get stressed, it feels like this:  there will never be peace, there's a heavy weight on my chest (which makes it harder to breathe), there's to much to be done, and the like.  It's horrible.  And it started when I was six years old!  Sometimes I would stress out about things that barely mattered, like how perfect I had a song in piano or that one spelling mistake I made on a paper.  Every now and then I get stressed out very badly (almost to the point of tears) for what I thought was no reason at all, but I know it's because it's the feelings and thoughts that I try to ignore that stress me out the most.

What I do I do when I'm stressed?
When I'm having a 'stress attack', I have to do something or else I get depressed.  What helps me is telling someone that I'm stressed out and talking about it.  There are professionals that can help you with this, but I usually go to one of my parents.  When you ignore something for a really long time (so long that it makes you burst out into tears in the middle of an episode of 30 Rock), then it's time to get it out.  Holding things in do not help things because no matter how far down you push things down, they will come back up, and it's better to do it sooner rather than later.  This is because it will help you enjoy life more- imagine a stress free life :) 

If you don't have anyone in your life who you can talk to about what you're worried about, then go to a psychiatrist.  That's their job!  Don't be embarassed about it either; if there are enough people to keep them in business, there must be many people like you.  It's normal to have problems, and you don't have to deal with them alone.

Another thing you can do is prevent stress.  You can make sure that you don't have too many activites or things on your plate.  You don't have to take dance lessons, star in the school play, have a full time job, and volunteer at the homeless shelter.  Find what things you like to do most and what makes you feel the best, and do them the most often, while doing the other activites when you have extra time.

Another problem I have is stressing about other people and what other people think of me.  I find that the best way to deal with this is to think, "Do I really care about them or want to know this much about their life?  Is it really my business?"  The answer is usually no.  I'm not saying that you don't have to care about other people at all, but you don't have to know everything about them.  And remember, if this is how you feel about them, then they're probably not very concerned about you and your every mistake.

Serious rant ended. 

I made a recipe today!  I adapted it from  Here it is:

Spicy Peanut Soup For One:
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 stalk of celery, chopped
  • 1/4 onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 cup vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tsp fresh ginger, minced
  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 Tbsp coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 Tbsp peanuts, for garnish
Directions:  Heat olive oil in a small pan.  Add celery, onions, and garlic and cook for 4 minutes.  Add vegetable brother, water, and ginger and bring to a boil.  Turn the heat down slightly and add peanut butter, coconut milk, and red pepper flakes.  Simmer for 2 more minutes, then remove from heat.  Add spinach and pour into a bowl.  Garnish with peanuts.  Serves: 1.

It was really tasty, simple, and fast.  It had all of the good Thai flavors packed into it too.  I hope you give it a try the next time you need lunch in a hurry!

Good night everyone!  I have to go do everything that I could all afternoon in less than an hour!  But I'm not going to stress about it ;)


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