Spring Time: Don't Give Up + Sweet And Crunchy Kale Salad
Hi guys! I know that as we find distance and time being placed between us and the previous New Year, we feel that we can 'let up' or 'back off' our resolutions. But don't! There's a reason you started, but there's no reason to stop! So keep eating healthy, exercising, and flossing regularly :)
Drink your tea, too.
Don't forget that part of it.
To help yourself maintain this mindset, set goals for yourself. Then, when you reach that goal, treat yourself. You can set small goals, or big ones, but remind yourself every day of your goals so that you won't forget them (tape it to the fridge!), and make your treat small but enough to keep you going. Here are some examples.
Small Goals (these can be for a short period of time):
Have a great night!
Drink your tea, too.
Don't forget that part of it.
To help yourself maintain this mindset, set goals for yourself. Then, when you reach that goal, treat yourself. You can set small goals, or big ones, but remind yourself every day of your goals so that you won't forget them (tape it to the fridge!), and make your treat small but enough to keep you going. Here are some examples.
Small Goals (these can be for a short period of time):
- Walk or run 1 mile every other day
- Do yoga or pilates 3 times a week
- Try a new type of exercise once a week (swimming, biking, hiking, weights, cross training, hot yoga...)
- Drink 8 glasses of water every day
- Eat (at least) 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday
- Learn how to sew
- Pass up fried foods and unhealthy desserts
- Stop drinking sodas
- Take a dance class
- Read a novel (I suggest Pride and Prejudice or The Fault In Our Stars)
- Do something that makes you happy once a day
- Watch less than 1 hour of TV a day
- Pay more attention to the news
Big Goals:
- Run a marathon, 1/2 marathon, or Iron Man race
- Run a 5k in _ time
- Eat a salad every day (this is a tough one!)
- Try a new recipe every day
- Learn to love and respect your body
- Resist temptations that you know are bad for you (dessert, fried foods, sodas- even diet, expensive clothing)
- Be the healthiest you (weight is not as important, as long as you're healthy)
- Earn the next degree that you can in your field
- Take more cold showers
- Read for at least 1 hour every day (this doesn't apply to you, Julia)
- Spend more time with the people you love
These are just things that I can think of. They do not have to be your goals, but they can be. Once you achieve your goals, here are some treats. What can help you feel even better is if you make a jar and add a dime, quarter, or dollar bill every time you achieve a goal. That way, when it's time for a treat, you have a small savings!
- Go out for dinner with a friend or some family
- Buy a new outfit or pair of shoes
- Go to the spa (or just take a nice long bubble bath)
- Cross or check off a goal (it's VERY rewarding)
- A vacation or visit to somewhere you've always wanted to go
- Letting yourself read/ watch/ listen to a guilty pleasure (no one has to know that 50 Shades of Grey is hiding in your night stand)
- Tell the world! Every achievement marks a significant event in your journey to health, and it can be such motivation for your friends or the world
Now I want to do this.
Getting my note pad out!
I've been making this salad frequently because it's just so good. I saw something similar on Instagram, and I just couldn't help but buy all of the ingredients and try it at home. It's super healthy (I'll tell you why) and is perfect for a quick lunch or dinner. Note: the salad is best when it's marinaded since kale is such a hearty veggie. Sometimes I don't have all of the ingredients (like it the picture below), but it's still delicious. I usually have this along with a wrap, fruit and bar, or piece of veggie pizza (I love Amy's!)
Sweet and Crunchy Kale Salad:
Vegan, Gluten Free, Nut Free
- 2 cups raw kale
- 1/4 cup shredded carrots or 1 chopped carrots
- 1/2 cup edamame
- 1 Tbsp dried cranberries
- 1 tsp hemp seeds
- 1/2 cup sprouts
- 1/4 lemon's juice
- 1/2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil (or hemp, walnut, or flax oil)
Directions: Combine kale, carrots, dried cranberries, lemon, and oil. Marinade for 4-8 hours (this is optional). Add hemp seeds, edamame (I like to warm this separately before I add it to the salad), and sprouts. Serves: 1.
I use this for meal prep all the time, since if I prep it a couple of days before hand, it's marinaded by the time I get around to eating it. And it's so healthy!
Kale: 2 servings of veggies, 400 % of your daily Vitamin A, 4 grams of protein (!!!), 250 % of your daily Vitamin C, iron, calcium, Vitamin K and B6, and fiber
Carrot: 1 serving of veggies, Vitamins A, C, D, K, fiber, and protein (1 gram per carrot- who knew?)
Edamame: 1 serving of veggies, protein, fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamins.
Dried cranberries: antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, but mostly taste
Hemp seeds: healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium (about 1/2 of what you need in a day), and zinc.
Sprouts: fiber, protein, 1 serving veggies, tons of vitamins, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids!
Lemon juice: vitamins, helps your body absorb the calcium for the kale, low calorie: taste ratio
Olive oil: healthy fats, cancer and heart disease fighting vitamins and minerals
Yay for health! And it tastes GREAT! Tell them Alli! Tell the how great it tastes!
What's your are your small and big goals?
Like the colors in the heading, great mix of life-affirming notes and practical tips, so proud of how your posts continue to improve. Looking forward to salad and tea (and Louis CK!) with you this weekend. Love, Dad
ReplyDeleteLove it, Chica! I'm the poster child for loving your body no matter its imperfections. Now, I'm working on loving exercise. Going to treat myself with a small something tonight. Miss ya, Cewpie!
You mean FUNercise ;) I would love to hear that treat, I think I'm about due (Valentine's Day is coming up anyway!)